The 7 Principles of Group Evolution

In her book Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey introduces and describes the 7 Laws of Group Life or the 7 Laws of the Soul, which we are calling the 7 Principles of Group Evolution.
Bailey also explains the connection between the 7 Laws (7 Principles) and the 28 Rules for group initiation (which we are calling the 28 Rites). She tells us that the 28 Rites of Group Evolution or the “rules for group initiation” give us a fuller understanding of the Laws of Group Life.

She explains the word “Law” to mean this:  “The Laws of the universe are simply the modes of expression, the life impulses and the way of existence or activity of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.  There is no avoiding these laws in the last analysis, and there is no denying them, for we are eternally swept into activity by them and they govern and control (from the angle of the Eternal Now) all that happens in time and space.”  In her book The Rays and the Initiations she also mentions three sets of Laws that we learn to master as we evolve.  They are:  The Laws of Nature, The Laws of the Soul and The Laws of Life.  Thus, the 28 Rites give us a fuller understanding of the Laws of the Soul and the Laws of Life.  It is assumed that anyone interested in learning about these Rites has already somewhat mastered the Laws of Nature.

While the words “Law” and “Principle” are considered synonyms, we prefer to use the word “Principle” for the same reason we prefer the word “Rites” instead of “Rules”.  We agree that there is no avoiding these Cosmic Laws, however, one of the objectives of the Aldebaran School is to honor and engage our spiritual and personal sovereignty and genius, which is why we call them Principles.  A Principle is a general and fundamental truth that may be used in deciding conduct or choice, whereas a Law, as currently understood, precludes personal decision and choice.

Students of Alice Bailey will also notice that in addition to using the word “Principle” instead of “Law”, we have modified the names of the Laws/Principles and changed their order of presentation.  These changes have evolved from our prolonged study and meditation on Bailey’s work and our life experience with the Laws/Principles.  The primary purpose of these changes is to make the essence and application of the Laws/Principles more accessible and practical for modern students.

It is our understanding that Bailey presented the Laws of the Soul in the order in which they are generally grasped and demonstrated by humanity, beginning with the Law of Sacrifice and continuing with the Law of Magnetic Impulse, the Law of Service, the Law of Repulse, the Law of Group Progress, the Law of Expansive Response, and the Law of the Lower Four.   In contrast, we present them in Ray order based on the ordering of the 7 Rays or Energies that interpenetrate and color all manifestation. The following chart illustrates the modifications.

7 Principles as presented by the Aldebaran School.        7 Laws as Presented by Alice Bailey.

Ray 1. Principle of Indivisibility                                   Ray 4. Law of Sacrifice
Ray 2. Principle of Magnetic Rapport                            Ray 2. Law of Magnetic Impulse
Ray 3. Principle of Expansion                                      Ray 6. Law of Service
Ray 4. Principle of Sacredness and Letting Go               Ray 1. Law of Repulse
Ray 5. Principle of Graceful Change                             Ray 7. Law of Group Progress
Ray 6. Principle of Spontaneous Giving                        Ray 3. Law of Expansive Response
Ray 7. Principle of Group Progress                               Ray 5. Law of the Lower Four

Heidi Smith teaches about the 7 Principles and 28 Rites that define the path of Group Evolution, through the Aldebaran School of Conscious Evolution, a Mystery School that integrates ageless wisdom, transformational art and cooperation with nature.  The 7 Principles and 28 Rites of Group Evolution provide a reliable map for personal and collective evolution. Join us for an on-going discussion, exploration and dynamic exchange of energy and ideas about them.
This program is offered online with annual retreats at the OM Sanctuary in Eureka Springs, Arkansas; and involves meditation on, study, discussion about and application of the 7 Principles and 28 Rites of Group Evolution.

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